AbCF acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands where we work and live and pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging and celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of all Communities. AbCF acknowledges, respects and honours Indigenous peoples vital role in caring for country in the past and stress the importance of this continued practice into the future.
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers please be aware that content on this website may contain images, voices and or names of people who have passed away.


Aboriginal savanna burning and tree-planting carbon farming projects, when lead and managed by Aboriginal ranger groups and Traditional Owners, provide many core benefits to community and Country. These benefits resonate with today’s generation and also provide pathways for inter-generational learning, connection to country and wealth generation. The carbon farming projects and initiatives provide a sustainable business model, which extends land management and conservation work and provides core benefits in a range of areas. This includes social, cultural, environmental, economic, health and political self-determination. More information below.


  • Increased social capital as community members work together on projects.
  • Increased confidence, self-esteem and sense of purpose.
  • Increased pride in self and others.
  • Increased community harmony, through enhanced relationships and reduction of drug and alcohol abuse.
  • Increased opportunities for women to participate and benefit from project.

Increased Opportunities For Women


  • Meaningful work that aligns with the interests and values of the Rangers.
  • Protection of sacred sites (men’s and women’s business).
  • Maintenance and passing on of traditional ecological knowledge.
  • Education of children by Elders in traditional knowledge, especially caring for country.
  • Increased retention of language and identity.

Retention Of Language & Identity


  • Decreased carbon emissions.
  • Decreased incidence and intensity of wildfires, by burning country the right way.
  • Protection of life and property through reduction of wildfires.
  • Increased management of pests and weeds.
  • Recovery of biodiversity through the protection of native species of flora and fauna.
  • Increased management of tourists visiting country and reduction of their impacts.

Protection Of Native Species


  • Secure employment for people living in remote communities.
  • Employment of men and women.
  • Career development opportunities.
  • Good salary and working conditions.
  • Supporting sustenance of outstations.
  • Reduced welfare dependence.
  • Strengthened community level economy.
  • Development of income generation projects.

Development of income generation projects.


  • Improved spiritual wellbeing through the regular completion of cultural obligations to country.
  • Increased exercise and physical activity by working on the land.
  • Increased nutrition through access to and availability of traditional foods.
  • Increased nutrition through more regular sharing of traditional foods with family and others.
  • Decrease in drug and alcohol consumption.

Health Benefits


  • Increased control over finances through economic independence.
  • Increase in leadership skills.
  • Increased confidence to work with Government, Private Sector & NGOs.
  • Transfer of knowledge through working in partnerships and combining traditional knowledge with latest technologies.
  • Greater public awareness of the benefits from Land Rights.
  • Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals at local and national levels.

Increased Control & Confidence


Website created by RJ New Designs