AbCF acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands where we work and live and pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging and celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of all Communities. AbCF acknowledges, respects and honours Indigenous peoples vital role in caring for country in the past and stress the importance of this continued practice into the future.
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers please be aware that content on this website may contain images, voices and or names of people who have passed away.

Nature As A Climate Solution

The Aboriginal Carbon Foundation was pleased to contribute to developing the newly released ‘Nature As A Climate Solution 2021 Report’. This report looks at using country, culture and nature-based solutions for mitigating climate change.

Extract: Guided by the oldest culture on earth, we have the opportunity now, with the addition of positive vision, leadership, resourcing, and regulation, to stand up and secure a future rich in nature and culture that we’ll be proud to endow to future generations.

Download a copy of the Nature As A Climate Solution 2021 Report here.


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