AbCF acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands where we work and live and pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging and celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of all Communities. AbCF acknowledges, respects and honours Indigenous peoples vital role in caring for country in the past and stress the importance of this continued practice into the future.
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers please be aware that content on this website may contain images, voices and or names of people who have passed away.

AbCF Community Development Officer visits Caritas Australia in Sydney

Whilst I was in Sydney I was asked to visit the Caritas Australia office to give a brief and informal presentation on the work that Caritas has been working on with the Aboriginal Carbon Fund.

It wasn’t a huge group but I feel that only added to the overall feeling of acceptance and understanding in the room.

AbCF Community Development Officer Lauren Bowyer meeting with Carl, Lisa and Patrice at the Caritas Australia Sydney office.

I was asked to speak about myself and what lead me to joining the AbCF team, I spoke about my connection to country and my unwavering belief in my culture.

As with all AbCF presentations that I have been a part of or facilitated, you can’t help but notice a look of confusion on the faces of those in the room in the beginning, however after a few moments into the presentation you can almost pinpoint the moment when the penny drops and people understand and support the important and ground breaking work we are doing here at the Aboriginal Carbon Fund and in this instance it allowed the wider group of Caritas Australia staff to further understand the importance of the work their fellow team mates Lisa and Carl have been working on and why it has been so important to have them on board.

I feel I had made a positive impression on the staff at Caritas and look forward to meeting up with some of them in December when the AbCF team travel down for the Catholic Youth Festival in Sydney.

A huge thanks to Carl and Lisa for all of their tireless efforts to ensure the work that we do is of the upmost quality, you have both been an amazing asset to have on board.


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