AbCF acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands where we work and live and pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging and celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of all Communities. AbCF acknowledges, respects and honours Indigenous peoples vital role in caring for country in the past and stress the importance of this continued practice into the future.
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers please be aware that content on this website may contain images, voices and or names of people who have passed away.
Carbon farming refers to carbon accounting methodologies that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and/or capture and hold carbon in vegetation and soils. Carbon farming adheres to the same principles of supply and demand found in all agribusiness, however, the commodity produced are ‘carbon credits’.
In Australia, this financial commodity is formally known as an Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU). The savannas in northern Australia burn predominately in the late dry season, resulting in large, hot and intense fires. These fires produce more GHG emissions and burn a greater proportion of dead organic matter than fires that occur under cooler, moister conditions in the early dry season. Savanna fire management projects aim to reduce the frequency and extent of late dry season fires in savannas, resulting in fewer GHG and more carbon being sequestered in dead organic matter.
That’s the ‘science’ behind the practice, but the long term social and sustainability benefits achieved through the activities of the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation and Reducing Carbon Building Communities Fund, are more wide reaching.
Savanna fire management projects aim to reduce the frequency and extent of late, dry season fires in the savannas, resulting in fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
Australian Aboriginal carbon farming projects are not only innovative, they contribute to a broad range of social, cultural, economic, health, political and environmental outcomes.
Read MoreVerified Aboriginal carbon farming offers investors the chance to meet their commitment to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), their company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and their Reconciliation Action Plans (RAP).
Read MoreThe AbCF signed an Indigenous to Indigenous Climate Cooperation Agreement, with the First Nations Energy and Mining Council, of the Province of British Columbia.
Read MoreSavanna burning is about reducing emissions from fire, by burning in the early dry season when fires are cooler and patchy. In 2018, there were 78 savanna burning projects located across northern Australia.
Read MoreAboriginal carbon farming generates meaningful employment for Aboriginal people, strengthening Aboriginal communities. It also reduces climate emissions to combat global warming, which is impacting Aboriginal lands. The AbCF is a respected source of accredited, quality Australian Carbon Credit Units, which will significantly reduce the carbon footprints of Australian businesses, while creating meaningful employment for Aboriginal people.
Aboriginal rangers and Traditional Owners lead the projects and all profits from the sale of carbon credits go to Traditional Owners, supporting communities to develop expertise and build sustainable economies.
The AbCF attracts investment in projects that are run by Farmers and Pastoralists from corporate Australia, ethical investors, schools and hospitals. Through the AbCF, you can increase your carbon farming knowledge and qualifications, with practical training. The AbCF and its investors value and promote the benefits carbon farming generates, for agricultural and pastoralist communities and the environment. More information regarding this, can be seen in an article published in the Spring 2019 edition of the Australian Farm Institute, Farm Policy Journal.
The AbCF provides up-front payment for carbon credits above government rates and a secondary payment based on profit share from final sale. The social, economic and environmental core-benefits of your projects are verified using the Core Benefits Verification Framework by independent verifiers, building on international community development models. Contact us for more information.