AbCF acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands where we work and live and pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging and celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of all Communities. AbCF acknowledges, respects and honours Indigenous peoples vital role in caring for country in the past and stress the importance of this continued practice into the future.
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers please be aware that content on this website may contain images, voices and or names of people who have passed away.

Burketown Aboriginal Ranger Forum in Burketown 2018

Having just attended the Aboriginal Ranger Forum, hosted by Carpentaria Land Council (CLC) in Burketown, I am pleased to be able to report that it is plainly evident that Aboriginal Rangers value community collaboration and partnerships very highly.

Carpentaria Land Council (CLC) hosted the 2018 Aboriginal Ranger Forum in Burketown

The Burketown Forum gave approximately three hundred Rangers from a wide and diverse area to come together and share experiences, stories and training.

A handful of the Aboriginal Rangers who attended the forum

Alongside this it gave Rangers the opportunity to see old friends and family members, which is often difficult due to the long distances and lack of funding.

Aboriginal Rangers enjoying some downtime playing a game of footy and catching up with family friends

Any opportunity for Rangers to work together and share knowledge should, therefore, be seen as not only beneficial to country, but also improving social outcomes and community well-being.


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