Carbon Farming Portal
As part of Carbon Farming Skills, the Government has launched the Carbon Farming Extension Providers’ Portal.
Happily, a Resources Pack and Toolkit are open to the public but a community portal for webinars and training is for providers only. Why is this so we have asked? Especially in the Indigenous sector, there are many who are not funded providers who are delivering carbon farming training (including ourselves).
Much of the portal is a repackaging of existing material which was available across Government agencies but it is a helpful contribution which does neatly settle a lot of that material in one place: think land climate research, methodologies, emissions calculators, handbooks and more. Perhaps one worrying sign is the portal does not appear to be up to date with some presentations containing out of date material and nothing on Direct Action noted.
However, perhaps the best thing is the advent of a carbon farming eLearning course – anyone can register here. The online modules offer material on introduction to CFI, project feasibility, carbon markets, science of emissions and more. Carbon farming welcome to the new MOOC world (massive open online courses!) – I’m excited already! I’m still waiting for my registration, but I will apply for modules soon and tell you about it.
At the moment, there is no new Indigenous material, but the portal does link in the summary report of the Indigenous reforestation case studies by GHD and over the coming weeks I will pick any eyes out that are useful and add it to the Malpa Resource Centre.