Where is Indigenous Affairs?
As part of reorganising the chairs, the Government has now placed Climate Change and Environment under one roof but where is Indigenous Affairs going?
At the moment, Indigenous Affairs is largely in FaHCSIA, but also has many outposts in Environment, Employment, Education etc. Places like Working on Country and Indigenous Policy in Environment are important to support Indigenous land projects.
So while it might look like Indigenous CFI will all be under Environment, this might not be the case. We need to wait to see how Caring for Our Country and Working on Country are transformed into Clean Land. But we also need to wait to see how the transfer of Indigenous programs to the Prime Minister’s Department plays out. Will everything go? Or will some parts stay where they are because it makes sense?
Let’s wait and see, but I thought there may be some benefits for Aboriginal carbon farmers from Direct Action, Working on Country and other Indigenous land support being in the same Department.
We might know more by the end of the year.